Sierra Club Loxahatchee Group


The challenge:
As a volunteer with the Sierra Club ICO, I capture both photos and video of activities and nature’s details at a fast pace. Outings involve real people, not models. Large camera equipment is not ideal.

The solution:
Using an iPhone with a stabilizer is the best way to capture fast pace activities. Genuine interest and engagement with the kids makes them comfortable posing for the camera.


Goal: Recruit future volunteers to lead outings by highlighting the fun activities and local wildlife from past outdoor excursions.


The challenge:
Create a more cohesive brand for the Sierra Club Annual Gala fundraising event and modernize event materials for digital as much as possible to reach a younger audience without alienating our established audience and volunteers, mostly age 60+.

The solution:
I created a logo we can reuse every year to establish recognition, changing the theme title and graphics each year for variety. The theme for 2024 is Under the Sea, and I used reef fish video footage as inspiration for colors. The deep blue represents the depths of the ocean and provides a sophisticated base color for our newly named “gala” event which will cost more this year. Festive colors of sea foam, turquoise and bright orange reflect a healthy coral reef. The simple, flat graphics print well on required letterhead and other print-friendly pdfs. I’ve also started an online auction through to generate more online donations and bids before the in-person event.

Sierra Club Annual Gala Under the Sea letterhead and invitation graphic